
The GET-AHED Project Reaches a Major Milestone

At the end of November, the GET-AHED project achieved a significant milestone: the finalisation of its list of indicator statements for the HE Green Assessment tool. These indicators were developed using a robust methodology, starting with a review of meta-studies and existing tools to evaluate higher education institutions‘ (HEIs) sustainability performance. In the subsequent steps, the process involved an internal peer review by the consortium and feedback from experts at HEIs within the GET-AHED partnership.

As a final step, external pilot HEIs were invited to review the indicator statements. A total of 32 institutions from across Europe participated in an extensive online survey, contributing valuable insights for the project, for example Fachhochschule St. Pölten GmbHHochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Burgenland, Howest, Kyiv Academic University, Medizinische Universität Graz, or Thomas More, to name a few.

Through a rigorous consolidation process, the initial list of approximately 120 indicators was refined to a concise selection of 40 indicators after the pilot phase. This short list was then further reviewed and validated by the associate partners of the GET-AHED project. By following this structured methodology and incorporating feedback from pilot HEIs, we ensured that only the most relevant indicators were included in the HE Green Assessment tool. This not only enhances the tool’s usability but also strengthens its effectiveness.

What’s Next?

With the final set of indicators being integrated into the platform, the team is now working on explanatory boxes to accompany the indicator statements, providing users with greater clarity and understanding. Additionally, the indicators are being utilised to better align the HE Green Assessment tool with other resources on the GET-AHED platform. For instance, the training materials developed for the HE Green Champion tool are annotated with the dimensions of the HE Green Assessment, enabling users to seamlessly connect their assessment results with relevant learning content.

How Can HEIs and HEI Associations Contribute?

As the content is transferred to the platform, a second pilot phase will be launched to test the usability of the tool. External institutions are invited to participate, and a call for pilot HEIs will be included in the next GET-AHED newsletter.

In the meantime, interested individuals or institutions are encouraged to express their interest by contacting us at