
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, being an associate partner of the GET-AHED project, invited the project team to present the Erasmus+ project at the BMBWF Conference on sustainability strategies and social inclusion in Vienna, on November 15, 2023. The presentation concentrates...

The consortium partners of GET-AHED hosted the first associate partner meeting on September 25, 2023 and welcomed representatives from the Regional University Network – European University RUN-EU, the Bündnis Nachhaltige Hochschulen, the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the Irish Higher Education Authority and...

The GET-AHED project was presented in the sustainability track of the EAIR 2023 Conference in Linz by project coordinator Verena Régent.Particular focus was given to the HE Green Assessment tool, a dedicated sustainability self-assessment tool for higher education institutions which will be developed for the GET-AHED platform. Only six months...

DisCo Conference 2023 - The Get-Ahed project had an opportunity to present its project at the 8th international conference  in July 2023: Development of Digital and Entrepreneurial Competences through Digitally Enhanced Learning  which was organised by the Centre for Higher Education Studies  and West Bohemia University The conference was...

The contribution to the EAIR Forum 2023 entitled “Self-Assessment of Environmental Sustainability in Higher Education Ecosystems – Presenting GET-AHED, a New Digital Approach”, by Verena Régent (WPZ Research), Bárbara Gabriel, Cláudia Figueiredo, Robertt Valente (UAveiro) and Ruaidhri Neavyn was accepted for track 2: Sustainability and...

The kick-off meeting of GET-AHED took place from March 2-3 in Vienna, Austria. It was hosted by WPZ Research and representatives from all project partners joined the fruitful and intensive work meeting in the premises of the Austrian Ministry for Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). The...