
The GET-AHED team is at the EAIR Conference 2024 in Cork, Ireland with two different presentations: “Sustainability self-assessment for HEIs and its potential for sustainability strategies” (together with the UNISIMS-project): Verena Régent (coordinator of the GET-AHED-project) and Leyla Azizi (coordinator of the UNISIMS-project) will speak about the...

During the summer months, the GET-AHED consortium used the time at higher education institutions to prepare the testing phase of the first iteration of indicators for our HE Green Assessment tool. The testing phase will take place as of mid-September 2024 and we are still...

For developing HE Green Assessment, the GET-AHED consortium has established a set of indicator statements based on a dedicated methodology which comprises screening existing tools and metastudies, peer reviews within the consortium, extended internal expert reviews in partner institutions and an external expert review through...

The GET-AHED consortium partners hosted the second Associate Partner (AP) meeting on June 13, 2024, and welcomed representatives from several institutions, ministries and networks that support our project with advice but also spread the word in their respective communities. The consultive interaction between the project...

Shaping the World of  Change - Higher Education as a Key EnablerThis book sets out the theme of a world that is changing rapidly and higher education being an important agent in shaping that change through knowledge generation, transfer and innovation. The chapters in this...

We are delighted to welcome you to the first newsletter of the Erasmus+-funded project Green Education and Transition – A Higher Education Digital Buddy (GET-AHED). This first edition of the GET-AHED newsletter focuses on our progress on the GET-AHED self-assessment tool HE Green Assessment. As the...

Team members of FH Vorarlberg and WPZ research presented the project GET-AHED at the yearly congress of the Bündnis Nachhaltige Hochschulen at FH Burgenland, Austria. In particular, the presentation delved into the selection of best practices for our HE Green Zero-tool, which is designed to...

As the project GET-AHED started in February 2023, we have almost reached the mid-term mark. This point in the project's timeline constitutes an important moment to reflect on what we have achieved and to discuss and coordinate the next steps. We held our mid-term work meeting...

Rebecca Robinson from MTU Hincks, partner of the GET-AHED project, was invited to present the research centres project work that addresses the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlighting the GET-AHED project and its main objectives of educating and self-assessing for the Green Transition on the...

"HEI Green Transition and Sustainability Mapping" presents a data collection on current sustainability plans, aspects and operations related to green transition and sustainability areas within the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the GET-AHED consortium, information on their national and European sustainability legislation, the conceptual framework...