
GET-AHED at the Sustainable Campus Conference 2024

Sustainable development, as presented in the United Nations 2030 agenda, presupposes an intergenerational commitment, in which Higher Education institutions (HEIs) have a crucial role, as they are training leaders, students, decision-makers and tomorrow. Under the theme “Transformative actions between Academia and Society to implement the Sustainable Development Goals”, the Sustainable Campus Conference 2024 (CCS2024) October 17th and 18th aims to stimulate and consolidate processes of co-creation and network sharing, bringing HEIs and the non-academic community closer together, as an interested party in the joint development of solutions and the implementation of environmental, social and economic measures that promote the implementation of sustainable development objectives.

The title of the paper presented by the WP2 team of Aveiro is „Sustainabile assessment on higher education institutions: The GET-AHED project and a Green Assessment Tool“.