14 Feb First GET-AHED deliverables available
„HEI Green Transition and Sustainability Mapping“ presents a data collection on current sustainability plans, aspects and operations related to green transition and sustainability areas within the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the GET-AHED consortium, information on their national and European sustainability legislation, the conceptual framework of WP2, an overview of Sustainable Assessment Tools as well as good practices on sustainability in HEIs and practices of the GET-AHED consortium partners.
The second deliverable describes the documents populated into the GET-AHED repository, templates and an agreed structure of training. The aim of this document is to provide discovery work to develop appropriate training system resources for the green transition across HE for the GET-AHED project.
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Furthermore, the document “Good Practice Examples and a gap analysis” provides a status quo report on good practice examples from the consortium as well as a gap analysis for further good practices. The document serves as a foundation for the following steps towards the peer review of the good practice examples and the subsequent decision on which good practice examples and other resources will be implemented onto the GET-AHED platform.