27 Nov 3rd GET-AHED Associate Partner Meeting
The GET-AHED consortium partners hosted the second Associate Partner (AP) meeting on November 26, 2024, and welcomed representatives from several institutions, ministries and networks that support our project with advice but also spread the word in their respective communities. The consultive interaction between the project partners and the Associate Partners is an important element of the GET-AHED project.
During the past months, a lot of project work was accomplished and the participants were updated on the current status of the project. In WP 2, HE Green Assessment, the testing phase with 32 pilot HEIs to test the indicator statements was concluded with their feedback, in WP3, HE Green Champion, more than 80MB of material for the platform were devopled and prepared for the integration into the platform and in WP4, the proposed good practices for the the HE Green Zero tool were analysed, ranked and further discussed with external stakeholders.
GET-AHED has meanwhile been presented on a variety of conferences and events, contacts to related projects were activated and several newsletters were sent out.
Main focus of this Associate Partner meeting was the validation of the short list of indicator statements for WP2.
See the presentation for more information
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Should you have questions or want to know more, contact us by email: get-ahed@wpz-research.com